20. Baby steps at church

Baby steps:

  • Leave tracts in various places and occasionally hand one to someone.

  • Write a kind, loving, gospel-oriented note or letter to someone who needs to hear it. Have cards on your kitchen counter—ready to go.

  • Believe it or not, shyness is very compelling. When shy people love on someone IN NEED, it is extremely powerful.

  • Show kindness to a person who is struggling.

  • If you get bad service tell the person “I see you are having a bad day, the Lord can make it better. Give a “larger” cash tip, and a tract!

  • Giving $10 or $20 to someone in real trouble, it seems like $1,000,000.

  • Stop the “Happy Holidays” cards! Please STOP saying, “Happy Holidays”. Just say what it is, i.e., Christmas, New Year’s, or Easter…not the Holidays.

  • Imagine what it will be like one minute after you die—AMAZING LOVE! So, why not transfer some of that love to others.

  • Kindness always works perfectly. To summarize C.S. Lewis when talking about the fact that there are no ordinary people. Every time you come in touch with a person you give them a little push toward heaven or hell. See the “The Weight of Glory”. Enough said!


Zechariah 4:10 NLT “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”


19. Giving out $Millions at a church garage sale


21. That crazy “oil change” place is a Gospel sharing Goldmine.