17. Sharing Jesus while you are getting a biopsy

I know that this is very strange, right? When you need medical help and it is serious, those serving you are waiting to see your response to bad news. They are all ears. I found out my surgeon was in a mixed faith marriage. She is from the U.S. and her husband is from the Middle East. The conversation was short, but the goal was to present a bigger picture, and a real Savior who can provide assurance of life after death in heaven. And God can do anything. Certainly, mixed faith complexity is a huge issue in any marriage. There is no reason the Lord will not save her entire family.


As we age and start feeling our clay, the more medically challenging opportunities come our way. The good news is that if we have been walking with the Lord a long time, we have a large database of Biblical knowledge and life experience to draw from. I will warn you that complexity requires velvet gloves. This doctor was wonderful. She is bright and a real conversationalist. She did the biopsy and the subsequent surgery on my leg. It was skin cancer, and now I get to see her and/or the people in her office more often. We talked about real life, and she deals with the potential of death every day at work. This provides a wonderful opportunity to talk about eternity.


Doctors and nurses deal with challenging issues every day. There has to be an emotional and spiritual impact. Walk a mile in the other person’s shoes.


She is an excellent doctor. One thing you can do for everyone who serves you is use every opportunity to push their careers. Consequently, I rated her very high for both of my surgeries and shared about her professionalism and the joy of working with her.


When you are honestly complimentary, people see how much you care, and that opens a door in the future for opportunities to share the Gospel. She told me that her practice continues to increase the load and reduce the pay.


One of my favorite professors—who was also the chair of my doctoral committee would say. “Phil, this is your real world, embrace it and use it for good.” In my heart of hearts, I know C.S. Lewis was when he was talking about reality. “This world is but a shadow, but Heaven is reality.”


Ecclesiastes 7:4 NLT “4 A wise person thinks a lot about death, while a fool thinks only about having a good time.”


16. A key to knowing if you are talking to a lost person


18. Ask for or gracefully receive a request for forgiveness